--- layout: default title: "Blog Archive" teaser: "Check out all blog posts in my blog archive. Click on a headline to read the teaser." breadcrumb: true header: image_fullwidth: header_unsplash_8.jpg permalink: "blog/archive/" ---

{{ page.title }}

{% if page.teaser %}

{{ page.teaser }}

{% endif %}
{% assign counter = 1 %} {% for post in site.posts limit:1000 %}
{% if post.subheadline %}{{ post.subheadline }} › {% endif %}{{ post.title }}
{% if post.meta_description %}{{ post.meta_description | strip_html | escape }}{% elsif post.teaser %}{{ post.teaser | strip_html | escape }}{% endif %} {{ site.data.language.read_more }}

{% assign counter=counter | plus:1 %} {% endfor %}